You hear all these things, y’know. And you look at your kid. You just want to keep them safe and see them happy and some of these people want to make that impossible. And I tell you, I bet none of them have met an actual trans kid. They make up this boogeyman, y’know, like they’re some danger that has to be stopped when the only real danger is us losing our children. But if they would just pause for a second and get to know some of these kids, maybe they would see what we see. Our babies, growing up and changing, telling us who they are and who they want to be in the world. Isn’t that what we all want for our kids? Doesn’t every single child deserve the right to become their own person? To shine their own light? Because I don’t see the harm in that. But I do see the harm in trying to block it.


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Quantum Leap Season 1 Episode 12: "Let Them Play"
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Quantum Leap Season 1 Episode 12 Quotes

Addison: Ian, Gia only played because Ben put her in right now. As soon as she was on the court, Ziggy started updating.
Ian: I’ve been bested by my own technology.

Janay: It is a little weird though, isn’t it? Coach waits this long to put his own kid in the game?
Shruti: She’s an alternate. That’s how alternates work.
Janay: She’s been on the team all season.
Shruti: You never had an issue before.
Janay: And I don’t have an issue now. Just sayin’ it’s a little weird.
Amanda: Well, I have an issue. I don’t think it’s fair.
Janay: Why? Cause she’s trans or because she took your shot?
Amanda: I don’t know. Both.
Shruti: Way to be a team player.