Tuchawuski: What the fuck is everyone looking at?
Leon: What do you think they’re looking at? Did you have to wear your uniform?
Tuchawuski: Yeah, I did. I told you I’m going into the station right after this. Besides, they know I’m one of the good ones, right?
Leon: Yeah. I don’t know. Maybe take your hand off your gun in a room full of grieving black people.

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Average Joe Season 1 Episode 1: "Pilot"
Average Joe
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Average Joe Season 1 Episode 1 Quotes, Average Joe Quotes
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Average Joe Season 1 Episode 1 Quotes

Dimitri: Where’s my money, Joe?
Joe: Fuck you.

Angela: Are you leaving, too?
Leon: Yeah. Cathy’s gotta get home and watch the Investigation Channel. It’s murder week.
Cathy: Everybody ain’t got to know my business.