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Star Trek: Lower Decks Season 4 Episode 2: "I Have No Bones Yet I Must Flee"
Star Trek: Lower Decks
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Star Trek: Lower Decks Season 4 Episode 2 Quotes, Star Trek: Lower Decks Quotes
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Star Trek: Lower Decks Season 4 Episode 2 Quotes

Boimler: We put a lot of lightyears on these orange slabs. I promised myself I wouldn’t get emotional.
Tendi: Aw, how could you not? We spent so much time – hanging out, staying up late ranking captains by cuteness, swapping bodies because of those cosmic rays…
Rutherford: [shudder] We learned too much about each other that day.

Female Romulan: Subcommander V’Reck takes pleasure in our misery. Hopefully, he doesn’t get too comfortable for soon my plans will come to fruition and his life will be ‘disrupted.’
Male Romulan: You are betraying Subcommander V’Reck? That is a pity because I am already betraying him and my plans will come to fruition first.
Female Romulan: Please. Don’t make me scoff. Your plans are barely even schemes.
Male Romulan: You wouldn’t know a scheme from a conspiracy!