Dean: Whatever favor you need, the answer is no.
Vic: Acutally, I’m here to do you a favor. I am setting you up on a date with an amazing woman.
Dean: The last woman you set me up with stole my car and my identity. I’m still getting weird magazine subscriptions.
Vic: All right, remember Maggie Pierce, hottie heart surgeon at Grey Sloan.
Dean: She has a boyfriend.
Vic: Had. Her boyfriend is now kinda my boyfriend.
Dean: Avery was Maggie’s boyfriend?
Vic: Whatever, it’s weird. We’re moving through it. Come to this party with me.
Dean: At the hospital?
Vic: No, but there will be a lot of doctors there. It’s at their house.
Dean: Whose house?
Vic: Jackson and Maggie’s parents’ house.
Dean: Their parents …
Vic: Are married to each other.
Dean: Jackson and Maggie have the same parents?
Vic: No, OK, Jackson’s mom is married to Maggie’s biological father, who she didn’t know until pretty recently, but whatever man, there’s no relation. And I really, I really need you to focus Miller.
Dean: Nah.

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Station 19 Season 3 Episode 3: "Eulogy"
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Station 19 Season 3 Episode 3 Quotes

Andy: Is it everything you dream of?
Sullivan: I think you should take some time …
Andy: I don’t want time. I want to work. I need to work.
Sullivan: You suffered a trauma. You lost a friend.
Andy: I’m aware of what I’ve suffered and what I’ve lost.
Sullivan: I know what Ryan meant …
Andy: Can I work or not? Respectfully, Capt. Sullivan …
Sullivan: Battalion chief.
Andy: Chief Sullivan, I need to be at work. I’m saying please.

Andy: It’s getting late. Can you stay over?
Ryan: I thought your dad said I couldn’t do that anymore.
Andy: Ugh, he doesn’t get to tell me what to do.
Ryan: He kinda does.
Andy: Um, no excuse you, I’m 20, almost 21. Soon it won’t be a misdemeanor when I have a beer.
Ryan: I’m almost 21 too, so if you add us up, we’re like 41, 42, old.