Cindy: I don't like mamas, neither, for that matter. Mine thinks I'm sh*t.
Taystee: Well f*ck her. I'm done with mamas. and stand-ins for mamas. I am parent free, and proud.

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Orange is the New Black Season 3 Episode 1: "Mother's Day"
Orange is the New Black
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Orange is the New Black Season 3 Episode 1 Quotes

Maybe you should stop punishing yourself. I mean, what does a good mother do? A good mother does what's best for her children. And maybe what was best for your children was wipin' 'em out before they had to lead miserable f*cking lives.

Big Boo

Lorna: How does that work, with you being a lady-man and all? Do you and his mother both celebrate the day?
Sophia: You really wanna be callin' me a lady-man when I got a fistful of your hair in my hand?
Lorna: Oh, I just thought it sounded nice. I don't know from these things. That's why I'm askin' questions.