Eredin: The merchants are taking advantage, raising the price of grain.
Balor: Then hand them on the city walls as a lesson to others.
Eredin: They still control the supply lines to the east. Hand them and we lose access to the Dwarven steel we need for our campaigns to the new world.
Balor: What would you suggest we do? Invite them over for tea? Bake them a honey cake?
Eredin: Arrest the guild leadership. Allow the rest of them to continue trading under our terms. Starving citizens are a recipe for rebellion.
Balor: Try it. If it doesn’t work, there’s always the honey cake. Or the hanging.

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The Witcher: Blood Origin Season 1 Episode 2: "Of Dreams, Defiance and Desperate Deeds"
The Witcher: Blood Origin
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The Witcher: Blood Origin Season 1 Episode 2 Quotes, The Witcher: Blood Origin Quotes
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The Witcher: Blood Origin Season 1 Episode 2 Quotes

Eredin: The merchants are taking advantage, raising the price of grain.
Balor: Then hand them on the city walls as a lesson to others.
Eredin: They still control the supply lines to the east. Hand them and we lose access to the Dwarven steel we need for our campaigns to the new world.
Balor: What would you suggest we do? Invite them over for tea? Bake them a honey cake?
Eredin: Arrest the guild leadership. Allow the rest of them to continue trading under our terms. Starving citizens are a recipe for rebellion.
Balor: Try it. If it doesn’t work, there’s always the honey cake. Or the hanging.

I can hear you grinding your teeth. Please don’t make me drown you. It would upset the other patrons no end.
