Cameron: There's something that I need to tell you. I know we haven't known each other for very long, but I feel like we've gotten quite close, and if I'm being completely honest, I care about you probably more than I should--
Mel: Oh, Cameron--
Cameron: This is not about us. It's about Jack. I wouldn't have said anything, but now that you're pregnant, I'm concerned. When he didn't show up... when your baby is born you're going to need someone to count on. Someone to be there for you.

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Virgin River Season 4 Episode 11: "Once Again"
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Virgin River Season 4 Episode 11 Quotes

I called Vince. Sally gave me a number where I could reach him.He has agreed to an exchange. He will give up Christopher if I go with him.


Jack: I haven't said his name in over 20 years.
Mel: Why didn't your family ever talk about him?
Jack: My family were gutted, they just wanted to forget and Brie was too young to remember.