Lyla: [handing baby to Phoebe] Here.
Phoebe: What?
Lyla: You take him. I am so sick of you and the way you talk to me.
Phoebe: You know Lyla, can you not do the this is all about me thing right now? That's the last thing I need.
Lyla: Good luck.

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Girlfriends' Guide to Divorce Season 1 Episode 6: "Rule #33: When in Doubt, Run Away"
Girlfriends' Guide to Divorce
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Girlfriends' Guide to Divorce Season 1 Episode 6 Quotes

Yes, but this is divorce. It's painful and sad and nobody wants to read about it.


Jake: Awwhh! That was a workout. Amazing!
Becca: Yeah, that was great.
Jake: Yeah that was great? It was a little more than great.
Becca: Yeah. It's always so physical, you know?
Jake: Yes! It's sex. By definition, physical.
Becca: No, I mean, we've never really made love, you know?
Jake: No. I don't know. Really?
Becca: Like, when you hearts are open and it's not just two bodies connecting. It's emotional. It's deep.
Jake: Yeah.
Becca: You've never felt like that before?
Jake: Sure I have. I mean we're still new. We'll get there.
Becca: Well, I feel it for you. I guess I'm just not getting it back.