Marlena: Sister Mary Moira.
Sister Mary Moira: Dr. Marlena Evans. It's good to see you.
Marlena: You as well. John asked me to let you know that he's sorry he couldn't be here today.
Sister Mary Moira: Well, he's not the one who should be expressing remorse. It's that reprobate son of his that needs to atone.
Marlena: Brady?
Sister Mary Moira: Ew. Just his name sends shivers down my spine.
Marlena: Why? What did Brady do?
Sister Mary Moira: I hate to say this. I came to see you, but unfortunately, your stepson ravished me.
Marlena: Are you saying that Brady kissed you in a romantic way?
Sister Mary Moira: Oh, there was nothing romantic about it. He stuck his forked, fornicating tongue down my virgin throat.
Marlena: That's quite an image.

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Days of Our Lives Quotes

I don't know how Rafe mansplained this to you, but I was upset over losing Will and he was upset over losing you and we were just two exes trying to comfort each other.


Abigail: You knew it was my alter. Gabi, I have apologized to you a thousand times. I never meant to hurt you.
Gabi: But I do want to hurt you, Abigail. I do. Because you, you just keep on leading this amazing, great life, and I'm the one who keeps getting screwed. You didn't even get punished for what you did, you didn't even get a slap on the wrist. You even told Chad you wanted to be punished. You're welcome. And yes, I did drug you, and yes I did put this wig on your head to make sure you were having a relapse. Hold the applause.
Abigail: Why are you confessing all this now?
Gabi: Because you can't do anything about it. I have you exactly where I want you.
Abigail: Well, you know I'm gonna tell everybody that you confessed.
Gabi: Oh like you told everybody about my last so-called confession at the courts? No one is gonna believe anything that you say, because what you said came out of a crazy person's mouth.