Emmett: Things still rough between you two? You should give her a break. It’s not like she’s still dating the guy.
Travis: That’s not the point.
Emmett: Then what is the point?
Travis: The point is even after she found out he was the guy who took everything from me, she still heard his side, she still heard him out. What is that?
Emmett: That’s being a person I guess.

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Station 19 Season 4 Episode 9: "No One Is Alone"
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Station 19 Season 4 Episode 9 Quotes

Jack: ‘Cause I heard a rumor about you and Hughes.
Theo: Oh, uh, no, that’s not a thing.
Jack: You sure?
Theo: Yeah, I’m sure.
Jack: ‘Cause I see you guys making eyes at each other. You seem to have some good chemistry.
Theo: You know Hughes and I were almost a thing, but then she found out I’m the guy that killed Montgomery’s husband, so now we’re not, OK?

Vic: You know we have to work together.
Travis: I am perfectly capable of working with you.
Vic: Then we have to talk about it.
Travis: There’s nothing to talk about. You’ve made your stance pretty clear.
Vic: How? Oh my god, how? It’s been three days. You won’t even stay in the same room.
Travis: Well, now your boyfriend’s here, so you can talk to him.
Vic: Oh my god, he’s not my boyfriend.
Travis: I’ll ask you again, did you end it with him?
Vic: We weren’t even anything to end.