Charley: When I first got down here, no farmers wanted anything to do with me, and over time I was able to change a few minds; they just happened to all be black.
Lorna: Did you even try talking to the others. I mean, did you even attempt talking with the white farmers.
Charley: Of course I did. None of them wanted to mill with a woman who looked like me. Like I said, that's how it is here.
Lorna: That sounds like an excuse to me. I did not raise you to believe in barriers. You cannot just roll over because “that's how it is here.” If you don't like the way things are then you work on changing it.

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Queen Sugar Season 2 Episode 10: "Drums at Dusk"
Queen Sugar
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Queen Sugar Season 2 Episode 10 Quotes

Honesty is in my blood. My mother is the queen of brutal honesty.


Robert: There's nothing wrong with giving credit where credit is due.
Nova: You can give him all the credit you want, he's still a horse's ass.