Maggie: Where'd you get that?
Woman: Street.
Maggie: When? I know a little girl who likes stuff like that, that's all.
Woman: Take it.

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The Walking Dead: Dead City Season 1 Episode 3: "People Are a Resource"
The Walking Dead: Dead City
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The Walking Dead: Dead City Season 1 Episode 3 Quotes, The Walking Dead: Dead City Quotes
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The Walking Dead: Dead City Season 1 Episode 3 Quotes

You inspected the meat? Rotten meat can host all types of bacteria. And without the treatment that we once had, all potentially deadly. Why would you serve me rotten meat?

The Croat

You must be hungry. Pasticada. It isn't magic, I promise. Only science. That was my profession. Alternative energy. So naturally, when I first arrived here, I couldn't help asking myself, what is the most abundant natural resource on this island? Death. The sewers are full of it. As the bodies break down, they produce methane, and because the intermolecular forces are weak, the gas can be pressurised into a liquid fuel at regular temperatures. Amazing, isn't it? What we have built here is a sanctuary. And all are welcome. So, why are you here, and whom did you bring with you? You understand, I can't offer you refuge until you no longer pose a threat. Because above all, above all in this vicious, monstrous world, we must stay safe.

The Croat