Winter: I asked you once how someone could consent to let you in their head without knowing what you find there. But I knew what you would find.
Chance: Yeah, you did. But you said yes anyway. You trusted me to bring you to this moment. Nothing worthwhile is ever done through thinking alone. At some point, you have to act.

Hynes: The truth is a lion, Doc. You don't have to defend it. All's you have to do is let it loose. It defends itself.
Chance: Wait, did you -- did you just quote St. Augustine at me?
Hynes: Uh-huh. Who has two thumbs and hidden fucking depths?

Chance: "War consists of the constant interaction of opposites." That's von Clausewitz, isn't it? It's difficult to live your life that way. If not impossible.
D: Just 'cause I'm on your couch Doc, doesn't mean I need my head shrunk.
Chance: You see, that's what I'm wondering. Why the guy who's always talking about dictating the action is on my couch right now. Eventually, you're gonna have to stop running, you know. Even if only 'cause you lose both your feet to diabetes.

Nicole: [Dr. Clayton] was asking about you, about how you're really doing since you got punched in the face by that guy.
Chance: What guy?
Nicole: The one who punched you. In the face, right? When you were trying to walk and read?

Chance: I really appreciate this.
Lucy: Which I'm sure will be reflected in the gift you decide to give me.

Nicole: So what are we? I mean, is it some kind of brain disease?
Chance: No, it's, uh... It's a propensity to compulsion. Think of it as a genetic predisposition.
Nicole: To being fucked up?

Winter: You saved me.
Chance: You'd have done the same.
Winter: I would like to think so. But I don't think so. I've done some things I know are bad and, and I don't think I would take them back, even if I could. How do you feel about saving my life now?

Chance: She broke a girl's nose.
D: I didn't tell her to do that. Just showed her how.
Chance: Yeah, you showed her how, all right. How to get fucking suspended and probably expelled from a public school. How to go to prison for assault. She's 16, D. She's a child.
D: A confident member of the tribe who isn't afraid to stand up for themselves. Who's ready to deal on her own with the reality of the world.
Chance: What are you, a life coach? Listen to yourself.
D: This isn't a half-empty glass. This fucking glass is full. If she was my kid, I'd take her out for fucking ice cream and nunchucks.

Chance: Who's Stevie? In the ER before they took you down for your scan you said the name Stevie.
Winter: Buckle up, doctor. I think we're going on an adventure.

Chief Investigator Barry Gilyard: This guy is hitting on all the dirtbag landmarks.
Chance: Ronny's trying to put this on someone else? Who?
Gilyard: He's floating a story about being on a bus and seeing his wife walking with some white guy, but by the time he got off the bus, they were gone of course.
Chance: So you don't believe him?
Gilyard: Sure, I do. Also, Nicole Brown Simpson was murdered by Colombian drug dealers.

Dr. Clayton: Cool bruise.
Chance: Goes with the shirt.

Chance: Yeah, this [bruise] is why you should not read and walk at the same time.
Nikki: But driving and lying is okay?
Chance: I'll try to be more careful.
Nikki: Let me know how that goes.

House Quotes

Our entire relationship is about you. My dying is about me!


[To Foreman} That'd be redundant. I've got an angry black guy waiting for me to drop the soap right here.
