Luke: What about cryo-technology? Bruce knew a guy with a cryogenic tank. We freeze your body in cryo-stasis and slow the cell deterioration.
Beth: So, a negative one hundred and ninety-six degree bath in liquid nitrogen. Yeah, that sounds survivable.
Luke: Fair.
Beth: Hyperbaric chamber? We could simulate high altitude and increase my red blood cell count.
Luke: You'd never adapt to hypoxia in the three hours and thirty-seven minutes you have left. It would probably just kill you faster.
Beth: Okay, well, I'll just keep drinking.

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Batwoman Season 1 Episode 12: "Take Your Choice"
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Batwoman Season 1 Episode 12 Quotes

Mary: Tell them I'm going into labor and we need to get to a hospital.
Lucas: Um, have you seen you?

You want to prove to this city, from Alice to every two-bit criminal wannabe, that you're a force to be reckoned with? Well then, you eliminate the threat. At any cost.
