Jane: Open the lava lamp or I’ll fuck the Tin Man’s longevity into kingdom come!
Cliff: Tin Man? Really?
Jane: Shut it, R2 Dipshit.
Cliff: That’s my girl!

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Doom Patrol Season 4 Episode 7: "Orqwith Patrol"
Doom Patrol
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Doom Patrol Season 4 Episode 7 Quotes, Doom Patrol Quotes
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Doom Patrol Season 4 Episode 7 Quotes

Deric: Look, we’re all stuck in here now. Maybe instead of picking at each other, we try to be more solution-oriented. Y’know, find a way to get out of here. Who’s got ideas?
Jane: You telling us how to do superhero shit? You fuckin’ Boy Scout.
Cliff: Don’t fuck with our process.

Vic: What are you guys even doing here?
Jane: How about a THANKS for coming to help your captured asses?
Cliff: Technically, we only came to get Jane’s longevity back, but we probably woulda tried to help you if there was time.
Vic: Right, sorry. Thanks for the help. When did you plan on starting by the way? With the helping? Just want to make sure I don’t miss it.