I'm on your side. Things were never supposed to happen like this. It got out of control. I want, I need, to help fix this.


Abraham: We should have had a better plan. No, actually we should have had any plan at all.
Jackson: You think I've been reckless, I know, you've already said that. But no one is coming up with any better ideas.
Abraham: That's because you didn't let them.

Mitch: Nobody ever took me camping. Would you want to be stuck in a tent with moody, teenage Mitch?
Jamie: Fair enough.

Ray: I've never seen animals do anything like this to humans.
Mitch: We have.

  • Permalink: We have.
  • Added:

Jamie: It should work. But what if it doesn't?
Mitch: Well if it doesn't, I'm going to be breaking into a zoo with a bunch of nut job radicals, and nobody's going to have my back. But I'm not worried about that. You know why?
Jamie: Why?
Mitch: Because I have faith in you.

The etymology of the term 'Gung Ho' comes from the Chinese meaning, 'work together'. But I find it can also mean, 'excitable morons groping for a cause'.


He's not crazy, he's just...not un-crazy.


Jackson: Let's go to Clearwater.
Mitch: Why? I mean, never in the course of human events has Clearwater, Florida ever been the solution to anything.

Audra: I'm sorry I've been so hard on you.
Mitch: It's ok...I think I tend to bring that out in people.

Jamie: Guys, he's going to make a phone call to men who get paid a lot of money to make other men disappear. Other men and other women.
Jackson: How are we at a point where that doesn't even sound insane to me?

Delavane: You're making a mistake.
Jackson: No we're not. You're the one making a mistake. See, we've got nothing to lose. You, on the other hand...when this is all gone, don't say we didn't give you a chance.

I don't speak spy, but it pretty much feels like game over.
