Hi, welcome, signature cocktail? It’s an epidura-tini. Smooth as a spinal block but with lime.


Lauren: Diva, Enzo, hi, okay. I was just schmoozing the editor of Modern Romance, yes, the Modern Romance, and I think we should submit your story.
Diana: What, what story?
Lauren: Your love story. Come on, the photo of you two embracing, fresh out of the sewer, dripping with American’s digested bounty. It’s gone viral. It’s the story as old as time but fresh as this morning’s flush.
Enzo: Wait, the paper would run our story?
Lauren: It’s just like Romeo and Juliet if Romeo smelled a little bit and there was poop in Juliet’s ear.

Maggie: Yeah, well speaking of change that pussy bow needs to go. You look like Nancy Pelosi on the bottom and Melania Trump on top.
Liza: Oh, that’s no fun for anyone.

Kelsey: Are you okay?
Liza: I am so happy for you, Kelsey. And I will do everything I can to support you. It's just he gave up a lot for me.
Kelsey: Yeah, he did. I know that this is his family legacy, and we're going to make it stronger than it's ever been.

Liza: Is it wrong of me to say that a part of me just really misses you there?
Charles: Yeah, I miss being there too. But it's okay because I did it for the woman I love.
Liza: Did you just tell me you love me?
Charles: I think I pretty much had feelings for you for sixteen years.
Liza: What?
Charles: Since you were 26 and now you're 42. It's long enough to know.

Kelsey: So, what's going on with you? Let me guess, you took the job at Chick-ee?
Zane: No.
Kelsey: What happened? They found out about your dicky?

Kelsey, listen to me. You are a role model for every young girl with an English degree who wants to believe that she didn't throw away four years of her life, okay?


Younger Season 6 Quotes

Kelsey: Are you okay?
Liza: I am so happy for you, Kelsey. And I will do everything I can to support you. It's just he gave up a lot for me.
Kelsey: Yeah, he did. I know that this is his family legacy, and we're going to make it stronger than it's ever been.

Kelsey, listen to me. You are a role model for every young girl with an English degree who wants to believe that she didn't throw away four years of her life, okay?
