This isn't Home Alone, this is Waco.

Dr. Mann

Mm, yummy, body of Christ!

Dr. Mann

Don't you want to stop being tired?


The world ended. It's okay to be yourself.


Dr. Mann: Every time I turn around you're making googly eyes at her.
Yorick: I have an expressive face.

For a feminist, you're sure quick to call another woman crazy.


I'm the lucky bitch that didn't lose the man she loves.


No one can hide forever when the whole world's looking.


It's fine. Hey, stabbings happen, y'know?


Suddenly so many Madams.


This place is a Rachel Maddow fever dream.


Yorick: Did you draw all these dicks?
Dr. Mann: People grieve in their own way.

Y: The Last Man Quotes

I think it's going to get worse -- maybe a lot -- before it gets better.

President Brown

President Campbell: I like you, Jennifer. I want us to be friends again.
Jennifer: We will be, in about two and a half years.