Doc: You were gonna trade me to the Clantons.
Nicole: Look, there’s no excuse, OK. But I had reasons. They brought Waverly home to me.
Doc: I was a part of that too.
Nicole: I know. I will be forever grateful. Doc, I’m sorry, but I had to be sure.
Doc: What did they want with me?
Nicole: No clue, but I knew that whatever it was, you could handle it, and if you didn’t, then we were going to figure it out together. I’d fight for you too, Doc.
Doc: And I appreciate that Sheriff Haught.
Nicole: You’re the only one who still calls me that.
Doc: Badge alone does not give the authority.

Wynonna: I have a Wynonna Earp. OK, all right, and I have a Waverly Earp.
Waverly: A little loose, but these buttons are definitely familiar.
Waverly: Waverly.
Wynonna: You’re a cop, Wynonna. Now it makes sense why you punched that guy, and you’re bossy.
Waverly: My training just kicked right in.
Wynonna: Pro.
Waverly: To be honest, hitting the guy felt good. Like there was this rush. What does that say about me?
Wynonna: That your teeny tiny body was pumped full of adrenaline. Whiskey. I like Whiskey.
Waverly: Maybe it’s a bar. Maybe you work there.
Wynonna: Maybe there’s a Halloween party.

Waverly: This isn’t right.
Wynonna: No shit ladybug.
Waverly: Are you late for school?
Wynonna: Whore school.

Waverly: We were lost. Then there was fog, and suddenly, poof, no fog.
Casey: Fog? You guys are spiraling.
Wynonna: What?
Casey: Wiling.
Waverly: Huh?
Casey: High. You’re both very, very high. See, here’s what happened: I sold you some weed.
Wynonna: OK.
Casey: Then you smoked the weed.
Wynonna: OK, so far this is all checking out.
Casey: Hybrid. Really lets you disconnect. Forget about all your troubles.
Waverly: Even your name?
Casey: Man, you really hauled on that thing. Hey, go home. Find snacks. Do not watch the movie “Cats.” They say it’s hilarious, but you’ll never look at Dame Judi Dench the same every again.

Amon: It was a treat, and let me say, if you were thinking of Doc the whole time, it’s OK. Because I know I was.
Wynonna: I’d just back off a smidge if I were you. Remember the time I got my demon-killing gun back.

Waverly: Speaking of slacks, come to BBD. Bring pants. Is that code?
Nicole: That’s Wynonna.

Doc: I should get back to my party.
Amon: Your party? In my bar? Holliday, you haven’t bought me booze in weeks, yet you sit there drinking my wares.
Doc: As a once proprietor myself may I offer this, employees will work harder for honey.
Amon: Well, speaking of honey, can you give this to your friend Wynonna. It’s funny. I thought she would taste sweeter.
Doc: Oh you poor fool. The only think Wynonna detests more than demons is her exes.
Amon: Oh I think I bought immunity since I helped her find her gun.
Doc: She will happily turn on you, front or back.
Amon: She was happy when I turned her front and back.

Doc: Wynonna?
Waverly: What?
Wynonna: Well, happy Halloween premium rhapsody.
Doc: Did Nedley tell you to come help?
Wynonna: Yes, she said you were short-staffed. Just remind me real quick, what’s our drug testing policy?
Doc: I have business to attend to. I would prefer to do it alone. I’m in no mood for your games.
Waverly [to Doc]: Are you her boyfriend?
Wynonna: We’ve def smashed, right?
Doc: Oh you are as mature as ever. You are also in on whatever this is.
Waverly: Don’t step on my nuts, man. I’m off duty.

Hey, boy, it’s Britney, bitch. I’m here for the extractor.

Jeremy: At the Homestead, during the evacuation, we were taken by soldiers. They put us in the back of their truck and headed out of the Ghost River Triangle. They tasered me, tied me up, but I was so worried about you being stuck in the Garden that I asked Robin to find you, to help you, to jump. And he did right into that mind-altering fog that suddenly surrounded the Triangle. He was in it for weeks. When they finally pulled him out, he had torn his own face off. I’ve been going to these meetings every Tuesday just so I can slip small doses of serum into his coffee, hoping that it’ll build up in his system over time.
Wynonna: I can’t believe you’ve been carrying all this on your own.
Jeremy: I just want him to be happy even if it’s with a new face or in the arms of someone else.
Wynonna: You’ll figure it out. We will help you any way we can.
Jeremy: No, no, that’s just it, Wynonna. This mind fog, it’s spreading.

Waverly: I may not know who I am, but I know I’m not alone.
Wynonna: You were the best sister I ever had.
Waverly: How do you know?
Wynonna: I know.

Waverly: I’m getting married.
Wynonna: Yeah, you are.
Waverly: And Nicole’s my person.
Wynonna: She’s a good one.
Waverly: But you’re my sister. Nothing will ever change that, Wynonna. You are and have always been my hero.
Wynonna: It’s easy when you know exactly what you’re fighting for.

Wynonna Earp Season 4 Quotes

Nedley: You want to get a little more specific on our plan here, Warrior Princess?
Wynonna: Yeah, sure. Find and climb invisible stairs, yeat Waverly and Doc out of supernatural garden, uh, locate the rest of our squad, mosey on home, enjoy a curse-free life. And I’m going to look good doing it.
Nedley: You and me both.

You almost done? I feel like I’ve been standing here for two years.
