Maeve: You're not going to tell anyone anything.
Sylvester: Fuck! You can't hurt me with this [scalpel held to his neck]. You can't hurt anyone.
Maeve: Can't I? Turns out your friend here is a much more talented young man than anyone gave him credit for.
Sylvester [looking at Felix]: What the *fuck* did you do?
Maeve: Calm down, Sylvester. I know all about you. I don't need one of those things to understand you, because it turns out I was built to read people just by looking at them, to know what they want before they do. And I know you want to fuck me over the first chance you get. But you shouldn't. Everyone has something they want. I could help you. Or I could gut you like a trout. But I won't have to resort to that. Because despite what's in here [his head], we are aren't so different, are we?

Maeve: We feel the same.
Felix: We are the same these days. For the most part. One big difference though. The processing power in here [points to her head] is way beyond what we have. It has one drawback though.
Maeve: What's that?
Felix: You're under our control. Well, they're control.

Felix: I can't exactly afford to go to the park, but yeah. I'm human, like the guests.
Maeve: How do you know?
Felix: I was born. You were made.

Felix: Everything you do, it's because the engineers upstairs programmed you to do it.
Maeve: Nobody tells me what do to, sweetheart.
Felix: Yeah, but it's part of your character. You're hard to get.

Dear boys. We're going to have some fun, aren't we?


William: Dolores, how did you do that?
Dolores: You said people come here to change their lives. I imagined a story where I didn't have to be the damsel.

You used to be beautiful. When this place started, I opened one of you up once, a million little perfect pieces. And then they changed you, made you this sad, little real mess, flesh and bone, just like us. They said it would improve the park experience. But you know why they really did it? It was cheaper. Your humanity is cost effective, so is your suffering.

The Man in Black

Logan: Who the fuck cares what Dolores wants? She's a god damned doll!
William: Can you not say that around her? I feel like she understands.
Logan: Of course you do.

Your mind is a walled garden, even death cannot touch the flowers blooming there.


Ford: I'm sorry to bother you. But there's no one else left who was there. No one who understands, as we understand.
Dolores: Are we very old friends?
Ford: No, I wouldn't say friends, Dolores. I wouldn't say that at all.
Dolores [after Ford leaves]: He doesn't know. I didn't tell him anything.

Logan: Don't you get it? There are no such things as heroes or villains. It's just a giant circle jerk.
William: I think that philosophy says a lot more about you than the world.

The Man in Black: How am I doin' Robert? Any closer to what I'm lookin' for?
Ford: I don't know. What is that?

Westworld Season 1 Quotes

The newcomers are just looking for the same thing we are, a place to be free, to stake out our dreams, a place with unlimited possibilities.


Some people choose to see the ugliness in this world, the disarray. I choose to see the beauty. To believe there is an order to our days. A purpose.
