Brady: I'm sorry. But you're different from any other woman I have ever met. You're smart. You're funny. You stand up for yourself which is sexy as hell. You got this edge to you that's I don't know, it's like a freaking magnet. And I know I have no business asking you this but please give me another chance to show you who I really am?
Brie: why should I?
Brady: Because I've never said this to anyone. I'm in love with you.

Look, I didn't shoot Jack, and I'm not a dealer. I just need you to know that. And this isn't an excuse, but when I was growing up, I didn't have anything, so when I saw how much cash I could make working with Calvin, I jumped at it. I know, it was weak, and I wish I hadn't gotten into business with him.


Mel: The night I came back from LA, you said all the right things, but the next morning I just felt like maybe you were telling me what I wanted to hear.
Jack: No, come on, I wasn't. Look, I meant what I said. Breaking things off with you was a huge mistake. Yeah, I'm worried about supporting two families but my feelings for you outweigh everything else.
Mel: OK, say we get back together I'm worried that down the road when you are exhausted from burning the candle at both ends you're the one who is going to end up resentful.
Jack: That's not going to happen.
Mel: How do you know that?
Jack: Because I know myself.
Mel: You think you know yourself now but when the twins come, that's going to change. Ask anyone who's ever had a child.
Jack: I don't care what anyone else says. I'm telling you how I feel? Isn't that what you asked me to do? How am I supposed to prove anything if you don't give me another chance?

Brie: I didn't even know I was pregnant.
Mel: Oh my god, honey, I'm sorry. That's a lot to take in all at once.
Brie: It just feels like this giant wave is crashing over me like it's pushing me down.
Mel: You're strong, you're going to get back up.
Brie: What if I can't?
Mel: Jack and I are here. We're going to help you get through this.

Brie: I don't understand what's wrong with me.
Mel: What you're feeling is completely normal.
Brie: I just can' believe this has happened after everything.

Doc: Your friends and your family, they want to be there for you. Let them.
Tara: I'll try.
Doc: Just remember your mother loved you with all of her heart. She would not want you to suffer.

Brady: You actually think I shot Jack?
Mike: I don't know, Brady. You tell me.

Jack: Man, I feel like the deck is stacked against me, you know? I ... I keep trying to do the right thing and every where I turn there's another roadblock.
Mike: Come on, that's not the Jack I know.
Jack: It's how I feel.
Mike: When we were serving, you remember what you used to say? The only way to fail is to quit.
Jack: Yeah, I just don't feel like that guy anymore.

I feel like you have what you want and what I want doesn't matter.


Jack: Get away from my sister.
Brady: Jack, calm down.
Brie: Hey! We are seeing each other. You're the one who shot me!
Brady: That is not true!
Brie: What are you talking about?
Jack: You were there.
Brady: Yes, I was there. But I did not shoot you.

Mel: You're going blind?
Doc: In a word, maybe

Jack: I feel like you're going to get the short end of the stick.
Mel: I don't understand what that means. Are you talking about money because I don't care about money. Jack: No, not it's not just money, it's time too.
Mel, for the next year at least, I'm going to be juggling being a new father, fighting for custody, rebuilding my house, running the bar, I just don't think I can have another baby on top of all of that. Sorry.
Mel: You know what? It's OK. We can wait until you're ready, okay?
Jack: And what if we wait and I realize I can't handle supporting two families? You would've wasted all of that time. That's time you can't get back. Mel, I can't be the person that stands between you and becoming a mother. I just can't hurt you like that.
Mel: As long as I know how you feel about it, it's my choice.
Jack: No, that's it, you shouldn't have to choose. You deserve to be someone that can give you everything you want. I don't think that's me.
Mel: Are you saying you want to end this?
Jack: It's not because I want to.
Mel: Oh my God, I can't believe this is happening right now.
Jack: Mel, you're an amazing woman.
Mel: You're not listening to what I want.
Jack: I'm listening to what you want that's what I'm trying to say, I know what you want, I just don't think I can give it to you. This is killing me. I know I'm doing the right thing.
Mel: Get out. Get out of my house.

Virgin River Season 3 Quotes

Mel, heya, FYI, I'm taken.


Ricky: I feel like a jerk.
Jack: Why?
Ricky: Everything I said to you about getting Charmaine pregnant and being in love with Mel ... And you throw me a party? I'm an idiot.
Jack: You're family to me. You know that. And sometimes family says things they don't mean. Don't worry about it.
Ricky: Well, I'm glad you didn't die.
Jack: Yeah, me too.