I am his girlfriend. They are decoration.


Paul: Water's been running from his mouth for more than 2,000 years. Just think about that. 2,000 years. I haven't even lived 16.
Kidnapper: So, we go?
Paul: Yeah. Yeah, we go.

Nice? It's a Rubens, boy. He had a team of assistants that did all the hard work. Then he came in at the end and touched it up with a few strokes of brilliance. An assistant. That'd be nice.


Paul: You know, I never wanted to be a Getty. Never. Fuck that! I ran away from all that, I tried to hide from all of that. This family name, man. But it has somehow fucking chased me down. It chased me down, and it fucking got its claws on me. Now I'm really in the shit. I'm really in the shit, and I don't know what to do. What do I do?
Bullimore: If you really don't want to be a Getty, Paul, leave this place and never, ever come back. Good luck, sir.

Paul: I love old stuff. Actually, I've got a project of my own. I've been thinking of going to Morocco.
Getty: No oil in Morocco. And being there didn't do your father any good.
Paul: True. But with respect, sir, my father's an idiot.

Trust Quotes

I am his girlfriend. They are decoration.


Nice? It's a Rubens, boy. He had a team of assistants that did all the hard work. Then he came in at the end and touched it up with a few strokes of brilliance. An assistant. That'd be nice.
