We're all in the night country now.

Otis Heiss

I was there. And you saw something in that room. It was a ghost. Or some kind of spirit.


Santa's elves drowned in global warming, darling. And the rest are all meth heads.


Those men died before they froze.


You have protests around the mine; you had a shooting that ended in a fight at the hospital; you have six dead bodies in the local ice rink, and a still-missing person of interest.


This is not how you die in the cold. It’s just not.


Danvers: Are you kidding me? You talk to God?
Navarro: No. I listen.

We're just not asking the right questions. We will. We'll find it.


Without the mine, there’s no town. Fifty percent of the population works for it, which means half the people who live here have got a reason to silence Annie K.


This case. This is gonna be a shit bowl. No answers, bunch of angry people.


I think the world is getting old, and Ennis is where the fabric of all things is coming apart at the seams.


One last gift from Travis Cohle. I got to meet you.
