If you don't unbury whatever it is that's going on, you're going to explode. You got problems.


Kory: She's getting more powerful.
Dick: Yeah, but she's still a kid. Alone, scared and on the run.

Kory: That’s technically true, dick.
Dick: Gee, that’s a new one.

I’m going to change this music before my head explodes.


Kory: Chicken and waffles … on the house apparently.
Rachel: Well I know one thing about you … total badass.

Kory: Do you know who I am? Girl, who am I?
Rachel: I don’t know.
Kory: Come on, I have a feeling you’ll do better with me than with them.

Oh, gosh. Who are you?

Father Nuclear

Who’s going to help you now, bitch?

Dark Rachel

Rachel: Shit.
Mother Nuclear: Manners, dear.

What the shit?


Officer: Who the hell are you?
Kory: Kory Anders, FBI.
Officer: FBI in that outfit?

Dick: Can we talk?
Dawn: You’re about four years too late, but sure.

Titans Season 1 Quotes

Fuck Batman.


Criminal 1: Where’s Batman?
Criminal 2: Hey, I heard he’s alone.