On the plus side, I wouldn't have been arrested. Plus side for me, anyway. Popcorn, anyone?


Jiya: I know what you're doing.
Rufus: What am I doing?
Jiya: You're pushing me away.
Rufus: No, I'm not.
Jiya: My dad did the same thing when he thought he was going to die. It doesn't work you know. It just makes you look like a douche bag.

Lucy: OK. Enough. You've put brooding like a Real Housewife all week.
Rufus: No, I haven't ... you watch the "Real Housewives?"
Lucy: Yes, Rufus. Many people watch truly-awful-for-them-yet-delicious television.

Jiya needs the experience, and you guys are going to need another pilot when I'm gone.


Lucy: Knowing the future is a huge responsibility. I wouldn't wish it on anyone.
Jiya: This gift I have ... what's it for? So I can start grieving in advance? Maybe Rufus is right. Maybe I should walk away from him.
Lucy: Jiya, did you ever think you are seeing these things so you can save Rufus?

Lucy: We were just kind of getting a vibe.
Jiya: Yeah, you totally set off our gaydar.
Christopher: Gaydar?

  • Permalink: Gaydar?
  • Added:

I love the '80s. On our way home, we've got to stop at a roller rink.


Denise, you have an opportunity to catch the man who shot the President. I know you can't walk away from that.

Lucy [to Christopher]

Christopher: In our culture, marriage comes first. We find love along the way.
Lucy: But what if you don't?
Christopher: No offense, but we've been doing this way for, like, thousands of years. Divorce rate's, what, about 50 percent here? How's your way working out?

Oh, did I hurt your little psycho feelings when I double-crossed you? Poor little baby.

Emma [to Flynn]

We're Alice Paul's attorneys. I'm Ally McBeal and this is Johnny Cochrane.


If you want my advice, you have better things to do than to waste your time and keen intellect on a married man, even if he is a soldier and a war hero.

Grace [to Lucy]

Timeless Season 2 Quotes

Lucy: I lost everything.
Wyatt: You haven't lost me.

Someone who's willing to die fighting against us will never fight for us.

Emma [referring to Lucy]