Daughter of Chaos belongs to us. Turn your backs. Join the procession. There is only death here.

Lara Dorren

You're born helpless so you find strength. Then that's all they want you for, to use you. And you find love, but it isn't real. It's a wish someone made once, before they even knew who you were. And you find power, and it turns to ash in your hands!


You witchers, you pretend not to have emotions, but you do. I know you feel it too. All of it. Normal love, normal hatred, normal pain, fear and regret, normal joy, and normal sadness.


Even traitors speak the truth.


Redanian Noblewoman: King Vizimir, the Northern Kingdoms are united by a common enemy now, but it is a tenuous alliance. Opportunists and assassins lurk where you least expect them.
Vizimir: I will not live in fear.

The Trail will test you. Force you to move beyond the pain, the fear, the failure. Until you become one with the killer itself. Remember, hesitation will draw danger to you like fire. But trust the path you choose, and it will protect you. Even in darkness. As long as you listen. Always listen.


Yennefer: Without it, I'm nothing. I'm stumbling through darkness.
Tissaia: From the moment we met, you have been trying to fill a void. Power couldn't do it., even when you had it at your fingertips. What makes you think it's the answer now?
Yennefer: Because it's all I have left!

You can do anything. Doesn't mean you have to. When a witcher cracks his skull, all we need do is stick him in a cot and fill him with veratrum, spurge, and hawthorn. Chances are, he'll survive. You do not have that luxury.


Geralt: You need rest. Anything else will have diminishing returns.
Ciri: Sir Lazlo, he protected me in Cintra, and he said less than perfect means death.
Geralt: Your stomach's growling loud enough to wake the dead, if that counts.
Ciri: Hunger makes for good sauce.
Geralt: Also makes for shitty lunges.

Geralt: I have known many who wanted to be great fighters in my time. Do you know where they are now?
Ciri: Where?
Geralt: In cemeteries.

Your actions turned the tide at Sodden Hill. You are a hero to me and many others. But we need to let Vilgefortz carry the mantle of victory for now.


Filavandrel: I've never known a human to give out of the kindness of his heart.
Francesca: Yes, there's a cost. But if it saves our people, it's one I'm happy to pay.
Filavandrel: You say that now.
Francesca: Because I stand in the here and now.

The Witcher Season 2 Quotes

I think there's something wrong with me. Everywhere I go, people die. Sometimes, I feel like I could burn the whole world. I wouldn't mean to. It just makes me feel so afraid. All the time.


Fear is an illness. If you catch it and you leave it untreated, it can consume you.
