Brother Death: Why would you want to help a gang of elves?
Meldof: Between yourself and myself and the skies above… because I’m empty? I’ve hunted down and killed the last of the ones who defiled Gwen. There’s nothing left for me now. One last quest to take me to her. End my breaths in a glorious fashion.

Scían: 50,000 oirs for Fjall, in advance, and 20,000 for the Lark.
Merwyn: She’s not worth that much.
Scían: She is the voice of the people.

Fjall: I’d die for you, Éile.
Éile: You already did.

I had this dimeritium cell built to hold recalcitrant mages. To suppress their magic. Make them feel like they were naked and powerless. And now here I sit. Naked without my power. By the grace of a recalcitrant empress.


Merwyn: Why do we find ourselves so far apart?
Balor: It’s a matter of respect.
Merwyn: Respect? Balor, you see me as a princess to be kept on a leash until the time comes to trade me, use me, or get rid of me.
Balor: And you see me as a lowborn raised far above his station.
Merwyn: This is how you see yourself. I see you as a singular genius capable of so much more than the box my father put you in. I only ask that you see me the same.

Uthrok: That was a work of art. Look at them all. Like little bloodied hedgehogs.
Scían: Never doubt my plan again, Uthrok.
Brother Death: Do you know him?
Syndril: They’re on our side.
Zacaré: Did we just win?

Scían: Éile of Raven Clan, meet Uthrok One Nut
Uthrok: It’s just a nickname. They’re huge. Like two enormous, swollen pomegranates. Go on, ask her.

Carry my voice with you. Don’t let go, not until you’re staring that beast straight in the eyes.


Right, then. Let’s go fuck up an empire.


He watches the morning light / Catch on her raven hair / Curves of her lips / Promisin’ a life that they will share / Two lovers intertwined / In the light of a winter’s dawn / As the rumble of war / Sweeps down through the valley / So stay with me, oh, lover / My heart’s filled with worry / Star with me, oh, lover / The borders are burning / And the war is yearning / To take you away from me / Bury you deep / In the clay down below / So she waits by a river / For the ghost of her lover / His legacy she carries / Soon to be a mother / While the echoes of the fallen / Still carry on the morning mist / Searching for their way home / To their one true love’s kiss / So come to me, oh, lover / Your unborn is yearning / Come to me, oh, lover / My heart is still burning / My soul is yearning / To feel the river swirling / To join you once more / In the next world eternal / To join you once more / In the next world eternal


The Witcher: Blood Origin Season 1 Episode 3 Quotes

Come with me if you want to live.


Scían: What is that thing?
Fjall: Dead. Thank fuck.