Nynaeve: To be a woman is to be always alone and never alone.
Egwene: No! No Nynaeve! What are you doing? No!
Nynaeve: Feel your braid and know that we all stood before you.
Egwene: No!
Nynaeve: We all stand with you!
Egwene [as Nynaeve falls]: NO!

Lan: What does it mean?
Moiraine: That this wasn't the last battle. I fear it was the first

The Man: What are you doing, no! You can remake the world in your image, boy! Make it what you want!
Rand: What about what she wants? And as much as I love her, as much as I want this, I know that she doesn't.
The Man: No!
Rand: That woman -- who doesn't care about being a wisdom, being an Aes Sedai -- that's not the woman I love.

Perrin: I'm not going to sit here while everyone else is willing to fight!
Loial: I am standing
Perrin: This is bullshit! All of it!

Min: I definitely don't care how you feel. Your just another guy in another bar that wants something from me.
Rand: I think we got off on the wrong foot I'm sorry I didn't even introduce myself-
Min [interrupting]: I know who you are. Look me in the eye and tell me that you want to know what I've got to say, because once you do there's no turning back.

Min: It's quite invasive this. They know what I am?
Moiraine: No, no one does thanks to the Aes Sedai. I mean if we revealed what you are you'd be hounded every minute of the day! Or worse.
Min: The big brooding one has-
Moiraine [interrupting]: They're both big. And they both brood.

Nynaeve: What's gotten into you?
Perrin: I could've sworn I just saw Padan Fain walk past us.
Nynaeve: The peddler? Perrin, Padan Fain's dead.

Lan: Moiraine masked our bond.
Nynaeve: I don't understand.
Lan: She left.
Nynaeve: By herself?
Egwene: Rand!

Moiraine: There's a lot to catch up on, I know, but the Amyrlin's expecting us.
Nynaeve: Let her wait.
Moiraine: Siuan Sanche only waits for one woman, and it's not you.

Egwene: Nynaeve?
Nynaeve: Egwene!
Egwene: I thought you were dead!
Nynaeve: So did the Trolloc that took me.

Egwene: Is that?
Moiraine: The Amyrlin Seat itself.
Egwene: Isn't that... confusing? To have the woman and the throne named the same thing?
Moiraine: Feel free to ask her. The Amyrlin Seat has requested an audience with you.

I took something from them. Valda won't hurt any more of your sisters.

Egwene [refering to the rings]

The Wheel of Time Quotes

Rand: We can't just leave.
Moiraine: They're after you. They will follow you! And if you stay here, this is where they'll come. They will leave nothing and no one standing and I can't do anything to stop them. Our only chance is to reach the White Tower.

The Dragon has been born again, and it's one of you.
