Hey, Elliot. I’m sorry for telling you about your future. I really never meant to ruin it all for you.


Susana: How do you know Jacob Landry? You called out for him, as well.
Kat: Do you know Jacob Landry?
Susana: I do.
Kat: Little boy, brown hair, blue eyes. He’s about this tall? [Susana nods] Where? Where is he?
Susana: On the Landry farm with his family.

Kat: Elliot! Hey, you said that Alice never went back. You lied to me!
Elliot: I didn’t lie. I just chose not to share the full truth.
Kat: Oh, come on.
Elliot: You lied to me too! You time-traveled! You told Alice about our relationship, both of which you said you hadn’t done.
Kat: I wasn’t lying about either one of those things when I told you that. They just happened after I told you.

Kat: I did it to save our family. I am the one who lost Jacob. Yes, I’m the one, and I have had to live with that guilt every single day since then. But, I can find him! I have a chance to actually bring him home!
Elliot: When has that ever worked? Look what it did to you, what it did to me!
Kat: To you? Don’t you dare turn this around. You made our break up my fault, my daughter’s fault, saying that, saying that knowing your future ruined your life. You made it sound like the journey was over, Elliot, but it wasn’t, and you know that. Alice did go back, you talked to her, you saw her, so you know what, you know what I think? I think that you just wanted me to love you. You wanted me to focus only on you, and when I couldn’t do that, you bailed!

Alice: I saw that look between you and Elliot. Are you two together?
Kat: No. But we were. After a million years of friendship, I, we thought maybe we could be more, then, maybe we could be forever.

Someday, there’s going to be only one name left, and it will be Jake, and then we’ll know where he wound up.


Don’t waste any time kid because it’s never guaranteed.

Colton [to Elliot]

Alice is not a distraction, Brady. She’s the glue.


Uh, I thought we were just talking about a couple of boxes. This is like the end of an Indiana Jones movie.


Rita: Looks like Elliot’s having what the kids call a hot boy summer, you know what I’m saying?
Kat: Ew. Rita!

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