Damon: Why don't you just date her and put us all out of our misery?
Stefan: Because I don't think about her that way. She's my friend.

Elena: I love you, Damon Salvatore.
Damon: I love you too.

[to Caroline] Yesterday you told me that you made a list of all the ways that loving me has ruined your life, and I get it. I haven't made it easy on you, but I made a list too. Of all the ways that loving you has changed mine. You were by my side when I needed a friend. You made me laugh, you made me dance. You told me that I would find love again, and I understand if you need time to heal and to live your life without me. I understand if I have to wait for you. And I will. I'll wait. And when you're ready for me, I will be ready for you.


Damon: Things are going to be awfully dull around here without you.
Elena: No they're not, Damon, because you're not going to sit around waiting for me.

Damon: You could've just told me what to do.
Elena: I knew what you were going to do.
Damon: You knew that the evil, selfish Damon Salvatore would give up the love of his life to save her best friend.
Elena: I knew that the love of my life would stand by his best friend even if it meant having to live without me for a little while.

Elena: Thank you for bumping into me that day in the hallway. I never thought I would ever be happy again and then I met you. You quite literally saved my life. I love you so much, which is why I can't wait to find out what new life you've chosen for yourself in sixty or seventy years, whenever I see you again.
Stefan: I can guarantee you it won't be high school.
Elena: Just be happy. I'll see you soon.

Elena: That's my hope for you, Matt. In our crazy lives together, you've always stayed the same. Human, loyal, and good. My hope is that you spend the rest of your life fighting for people like you.
Matt: You know there's a good chance I'll never see you again...
Elena: Matt, look at everything we've survived. I like our odds.

Bonnie Bennett. You have spent your entire life making sacrifices for me. Now it's my turn to do it for you.


[to Bonnie] We'll both get everything that we want. We just can't have it at the same time.


I don't think Elena necessarily came into my life to be soul mate. I mean, she was. We loved each other, but she was also the only person I've ever met who actually believed that my brother was worth loving. And she reminded me that I used to believe that about him too. Her faith in him, it brought Damon and me back together, and yeah, I loved her, more than I thought I could love somebody else, but I think in the end I needed him more than I needed her.


[to Kai] One thing you're not going to do, you're not going to mess with me. I am in a very volatile place right now and I will start beheading people that I don't like, starting with you, if she doesn't wake up.


[to Tyler] You once told me that I gave you a second chance and you promised that you wouldn't waste it. I love you. Let me do this for you.


The Vampire Diaries Season 6 Quotes

Oooh, you know I don't know. Every time we try and go on a date you get kidnapped, I get sent to a prison world, or your feelings get compelled away...


Goodie! More amends! Drinks will help. Strong ones.


The Vampire Diaries Season 6 Music

  Song Artist
Penny Maudlin Strangers
From The Wreckage Build A Home The Wind and The Wave iTunes
Just One Of The Guys Jenny Lewis iTunes