Jeremiah: I don't understand how you can just give up something your sister loved so much.
Julia: It's not personal.
Jeremiah: Yeah, I bet.

The call came early in the morning. I should've known it was bad news. Bad news is the only news that can never wait.

Belly Voiceover

Conrad: I should've known you'd be like this.
Belly: What do you mean?
Conrad: Forget it.
Belly: No, say it, tell me.
Conrad: I knew it was a bad idea starting something with you.
Belly: I don't believe you.
Conrad: It was a huge mistake.
Belly: I hate you.
Conrad: Good.
Belly: And I don't want to see you again.

Conrad: Sorry about this morning. I was scared that you guys were going to see me fuck everything up. I'm glad you were there to talk to dad with me, though.
Jeremiah: I knew Julia was a stretch, but I thought I could convince dad.
Conrad: Hey, you kept me from completely tearing into him, so that's no easy feat.
Jeremiah: You know, I just feel like everyone is slipping away, and the house is the last thing tying us together. Conrad: We're not giving up. We're not giving up. We'll figure something else out.

Jeremiah: I want to be there when you talk to Dad. I'm better with him lately, and once he sees how passionate we are about keeping the house, he'll have to let us use our trusts.
Conrad: Our trusts?
Jeremiah: No more doing things alone.

Conrad: I'm sorry.
Belly: I know this is hard with everything going on, but please don't shut me out.
Conrad: I feel like I keep disappointing you.
Belly: You haven't, and you aren't.
Conrad: I have; all I've done today is disappoint you, and you don't deserve that.

I didn't know it then, but I was already losing him.

Belly Voiceover

Belly: Conrad pushes people away when he needs them the most.
Jeremiah: It's only so many times I can take being pushed. It's fucking exhausting.

You think I'm pissed about the funeral? The funeral was fucked; everyone was messed up. I'm pissed about last summer. Belly, you were my best friend. We hooked up, then you hooked up with my brother, and then everyone expected me to act like I was fine, and I wasn't!


Conrad: Jer, the house has been put up for sale.
Belly: What do you mean the house is for sale?
Conrad: What is she doing here?

Conrad, there's only you. There's only ever been you.


Conrad: We should probably...
Belly: No, no. Dont stop.

The Summer I Turned Pretty Season 2 Quotes

Conrad: Do you want to be with him?
Belly: Being with you is all I ever wanted.

I wasn't in Cousins. Conrad and I weren't together, and Susannah was dead. Nothing would ever be the same again.

Belly Voiceover