Darby: I quit. I have nothing now. Are you happy now? You never wanted me to be a cop in the first place.
Victoria: Are you surprised? Your father died in the line of duty. I worry about you. I worry about you every single day.
Darby: Give me a break. You left me. Stop pretending that you care.
Victoria: Of course, I care. You’re my daughter. I am your mother.

You should be grateful. It looks like you came up empty, and as Brynn Martel says, always have a backup plan.


Victoria: The prodigal daughter returns. But why do you look like a long-haul trucker?
Darby (to herself): Brand new record.

You couldn’t solve a crime if you committed it yourself, and if you stopped taking leadership packs from the Don Draper School of Management, you would recognize that I’m a better detective than he’ll ever be! I quit!


The Spencer Sisters Season 1 Quotes

Victoria: The prodigal daughter returns. But why do you look like a long-haul trucker?
Darby (to herself): Brand new record.

You couldn’t solve a crime if you committed it yourself, and if you stopped taking leadership packs from the Don Draper School of Management, you would recognize that I’m a better detective than he’ll ever be! I quit!
