Simone: I checked the security login. There are two deputies and three employees being held. One is Wesley Evers.
Garza: I know him. His wife is Angela Lopez. She's a detective.
Simone: We gotta tell her.
Carter: That may not be a good idea.
Lopez: Too bad. I already know.

Tracy, we saved Los Angeles today. Why can't we enjoy that for right now?


Simone: Wow! I mean, you could whittle away all day at a car for your son but won't do anything to save his life?
Carter: What the hell do you think I've been doing? Helping find this bomb before it goes off is saving my son's life.

Brendon: It was such a wonderful gift that I figured someone should appreciate it fully. And so I have a friend who I passed it to.
Antoinette: You gave away my gift? Dieu et moi!

Simone: You know, you don't teach your kid anything by doing their homework for him.
Carter: In school, yes. But this is the scout. It's not about the kids. It's dads versus dads.

Dina: So, this is the end of the road. Is that what you are saying?
Simone: Relationships are all about timing. And I guess this just isn't ours.

Bogdoff: You know, you might look pretty if you didn't dress like a boy.
Laura: And you might look handsome if you didn't have your face.

Brendon: Hey Lucy!
Lucy: You remember me?

Brendon: I did a movie once where I...
Laura and Garza: ... you played a sniper.
Brendon: ... was shot through the heart. It was a romantic comedy. It was sweet actually.

Let me get this straight. They introduced themselves to you as Thelma and Louise, asked you questions about your job as an armed courier, and you didn't catch that maybe they were going to use the information you gave them to commit a crime?


Brendon: Wow! Who knew?
Antoinette: You. Given that you're an FBI special agent.

Garza: That's a nice purse.
Elena: You sound so old. It's a handbag.

The Rookie: Feds Quotes

Cutty: Two ground rules. One, that badge and that gun must be taken off before you enter. Because in my house, you're my daughter. Not an FBI agent.
Simone: Okay. And what's the second rule?
Cutty: Bring home dinner once a week. Local restaurants only.

It's okay. We got this. We're Feds.
