Nic: I've been thinking a lot about us, and I have realized something so just hear me out.
Conrad: Of course.
Nic: Life is hard, and the problems keep coming, and I keep getting to solve them all by myself. Jessie, my dad, our patients...I seem completely incapable of asking for help. I don't know why I do that.
Conrad: Well you lost your mother as a kid --
Nic: I don't need to -- I don't want to make excuses. I want to see the pattern, take responsibility, and change.

My ex, he's a stalker, terrible taste in men. I'm working on that.


Bell: That's her, Shira Smook. What the hell happen?
Devon: She OD'ed in the OR.

Next time I see you it will be at Jessie's funeral, and it'll be the last time that I see you.


Three marriages and the only seed of mine that can find its way to an egg is that jackass what are the odds? Your fathers' words, not mine. In hospice the last thing he said to me was Randolph, children are a poor man's riches, my son is a rich man's biggest failure. Enjoy Vegas, kid. I hope you have better luck than your father did.


Grayson: Those are memories. Grayson and Mina, first grina adventure ever.
Mina: Last adventure ever. Clearly, I came to my senses and went to the golf course for some peace and quiet.
Grayson: Not before pouring your heart out about how much you love surgery and dinosaurs.
Mina: Dinosaurs?
Devon: That's crazy.
Irving: Unexpected.
Grayson: Yeah, specifically velociraptors.

Nic: How many times have I watched you cross a line for a patient -- a stranger to you. This is my sister. Be honest, if it were me and I needed a kidney, what would you do?
Conrad: Anything.

I know you're trying to help Nic, but this line that she's about to cross will destroy her. Do you want that on your conscience?


You think you're helping Nic, but you're not. Have you given any thought to what can happen if this goes on? She can go to jail.


On behalf of my people can you please put the yarmulka down.


Doctors can be bought just like kidneys.


Devon: What on earth happened last night?
Mina: I don't remember.

The Resident Season 2 Quotes

Bell: I know, I'm as upset as you are.
Devon: Not a chance. I saw it. I lived it. I'll never forget it.
Mina: Same day we save a mother and son, who by all rights should not have survived, a young healthy woman dies.

Your inability to quell your concern for teacher man may distract you enough to make the slightest of mistakes. Not on my watch, princess.