Corinne: What the hell are you doing?
Danny: I was just trying to help.
Corinne: I don't need your help. I've been doing fine without it.

Sarah: Chakra revival is not one of the 12 steps last I checked.
Corinne: The 12 steps were invented by two old white dudes. Your mother is a modern woman. Maybe she needs a modern approach.

Ellen: I want to ask you a favor before I lose my nerve.
Sarah: Nerve was never something you were short on.

Tyler: I don't know if you heard, but my girlfriend's dad is sending her away to boarding school at the end of the week.
Bella: Well, I don't know if you heard, but your girlfriend and her boyfriend decided they weren't going to let boarding school ruin their last few days together.

Alexis: I couldn't take my eyes off you during your solo.
A.J.: I noticed. Hopefully, no one else did.

Sarah: You realize there's an entire army outside our border, right?
Tyler: There's an entire army inside our border too. It just needs a general.

Stay on our side of the border from now on. I don't want to see any of you in prison scrubs. I can tell you from experience that they chafe.

Sarah [to the teens]

Ellen: She's wearing Iris's ring, the one Iris gave him when she died.
Sarah: You can just call her Nana, Mom. We all liked her even if you didn't.

If it's OK with you, I'm going to worry about getting basic supplies to my citizens before I worry about kissing corporate ass.

Sarah [to Danny]

I'm going to change the conversation. Money talks but morality shouts.

Sarah [to Corinne]

Danny: It's weird having you here.
Piper: Why? Because I stick out like a sore thumb among these hill people?

[Gov. Taggert] has made it very clear. She's always going to choose profit over people.

The Republic of Sarah Quotes

Sarah: Someone I know kept crashing into me in the pit last night.
Grover: It's a punk show. You're supposed to go home sore.
Sarah: I'm not complaining. You can crash into me whenever you want.

A.J.: What time did you get home last night.
Sarah: Does 6 a.m. still count as last night?
A.J.: Somebody had a fun evening.