Burton: There's a dozen dead bodies out back. It's easy for Tommy to say he's our friend as long as he doesn't know about them. But as soon as he does, he's also gonna remember he's a cop. There's no way around that.
Flynne: Why can't we just tell him what we're telling everyone else? You can't really deny that we need some help right now.

Burton: I guess I'm worried you're not thinking clearly.
Flynne: What?
Burton: You can't be rational about this.
Flynne: You fucking kidding me right now? Rational? Why cause I'm a woman?
Burton: That's not what I'm saying, Flynne.
Flynne: Not everyone is as cold-blooded as you and your fucking jarhead friends, alright? Not everyone wants to be.

Flynne: This ain't just another sim.
Burton: But you thought it was. What if you kept thinking it? Like Connor with his chess board: he makes these moves that set everything in motion. What'd you call em?
Connor: Gambit.
Burton: Gambits, yup. What's your gambit, Flynne? What's the first thing you do when you get in a sim?
Flynne: I break script. Do the exact opposite of what's expected...
Burton:... and then?
Flynne: I take control.

Flynne: I need cash. Now.
Burton: How much?
Flynne: How much you got?
Burton: A thousand if I make it to the next level, which you could maybe help with!
Flynne: That's just one pill!
Burton: Which is one day, ain't it?

Well I'm guessing 'spraying a weed' means something pretty different in the future, huh? Y'all got extinct animals you've brought back to life, time travel, moving tattoos... Seems like it shouldn't be too hard to help a good woman who's had a shitty run of luck lately. Make that happen, and I'll start talking about your missing lady. Give you my word on it, too.


Flynne: Are those?
Wilf: Thylacine analogs. Though I believe you may call them something else.
Flynne: Tasmanian tigers. I saw them on a show once but they said that they were extinct.
Wilf: Well one of Lev's hobbies is recreating such things. From their DNA.

Flynne: This ain't London.
Wilf: Why would you say that?
Flynne: Where are all the people?
Wilf: Well, that's where things begin to get a bit tricky. This is London. But London 70 years from what you think of as the present.
Flynne: I'm sorry, you really just expect me to swallow that? That I've time traveled here? To future London?

You aren't playing a sim Ms. Fisher. You're inside what we call a Peripheral. Telepresent. Piloting that body as if it were your own. And all this it... let me show you.


Wilf: Aelita West. If I'm not mistaken, you might be the last person to have seen her.
Flynne: You see, I'm thinking you should probably tell me why people are trying to come and kill me and my family first. And then, maybe I'll go and play your stupid missing-lady sim.

It's of critical importance that you sign back into the sim Ms. Fisher. Immediately. You are in grave danger. An ad has been posted on the dark net offering a nine-million dollar bounty for a contract killing. There's reason to believe that you and your family are the intended target. The offer has been accepted. We cannot assist you in this emergency unless you sign back in. I repeat. I cannot assist you in this emergency unless you sign back in.


I imagine you've begun to shout in your head, haven't you? 'End Game! Disconnect!' You can't do that here because I initiate the connection, and only I can end it, so.


Burton: What's the sim about?
Flynne: Kidnapping? But that's definitely just the start!
Burton: You must've done something right because they want you back tomorrow and they just bumped up the money.

The Peripheral Quotes

Burton: What's the sim about?
Flynne: Kidnapping? But that's definitely just the start!
Burton: You must've done something right because they want you back tomorrow and they just bumped up the money.

Flynne: I need cash. Now.
Burton: How much?
Flynne: How much you got?
Burton: A thousand if I make it to the next level, which you could maybe help with!
Flynne: That's just one pill!
Burton: Which is one day, ain't it?