It was always inevitable that Fate would beckon us from the shadows. Every revolution begins with a single act of defiance.


Every single one of us is shaped by the totality of our relationships. People we love and people we hate. All make their mark.


Malloy: Y'know, this is the first person I've been involved with on this ship. I'm not allowed to be happy? You can bang a Krill but I can't date a sales rep at Macy's?
Mercer: She lied to me. I didn't lie to myself. There's a difference.

The universe is not governed by individual perception. It matters what's true.


Keyali: Do you think he's working too hard?
Grayson: Gordon? Never.

I just think it would be nice to be remembered for something. Y'know? I mean, we all live and die on this planet and most of us are just forgotten. To me, there's nothing sadder about the world than that.


I don't even have to be a huge success. I just want to be rich enough to be unhappy but not enough to be miserable.


Laura: Every time I'm up there, I have this fantasy about a big record exec watching me from the crowd and signing me on the spot. Then I get to call my boss and say,'Stick your designer handbags up your butt! I quit!'
Malloy: That's beautiful.

Mercer: God, they were on the verge of a major climate disaster and there's a whole page about teeth whitening.
Grayson: It's a miracle the human race survived.

Malloy: Here's the thing. We look at these images of these people who lived hundreds of years ago and they're so distant-looking that it's easy to think they don't matter. But then you stand a room like that and realize this used to be their world and it was just as alive to them as ours is to us.
LaMarr: Hey, man, you didn't do, like, drugs in there, right?

I feel as if I've been standing my entire life and I just sat down.


Look at this. She's clearly asking her friend where to find the nearest repair service for her device. But instead of writing 'wireless telecommunications facility,' she just wrote 'WTF.' We can decode things like this by applying historical context.

Dr. Sherman

The Orville Season 2 Quotes

Mercer: Y'know what the worst days are, Olix? The days when you can't stay busy. No Krill confrontations. No spatial anomalies. Just nothing going on. And all your thoughts just march inward.
Olix: So most days.

Mercer: How long you had that thing?
Bartender: I had the computer replicate it last week. I'm trying to warm the place up a little bit, y'know? Get a nice vibe going.
Mercer: The late-night-jazz-depressed-guy-at-the-bar vibe? I can help you with that.