[to Hayley] God, no!

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I’m cursed, and I’m angry. I don’t want you to promise to be by my side while I fester … because I love you, Marcel. That’s why I won’t let my sadness destroy you.


Rebekah: I’m not worried I’m going to kill you. There are far worse ways I could destroy you.
Marcel: You’re doing a pretty good job of it right now.

This family, hmm. We're a curse to each other and to our home. And I know she needs me, I see that now. But loving her brings her closer to death. And I want her to live. I want her to grow up. I want her to love and be a strong beautiful woman as her mother. And I don't know what to do. And I really wish that you were here to tell me, little wolf.


Elijah: You listen to me, okay? Anything happens to her, I won't ever forgive this.
Klaus: One doesn't need forgiveness from enemies. And that's where we are, you and I. We're certainly no longer family.

No news. Today is all about reflecting on the loss of a vibrant woman. No news, because news means information, information means action, and actions mean dead people. I don't want any news.


Klaus: You know, you have a lot to answer for and not just for losing my daughter.
Caroline: She's not lost.
Klaus: After all your haranguing, be a better father, become more engaged.
Caroline: I refute harangue. I am not a haranguer. I gave constructive advice.

You know, truth be told, it's been bloody awful. I mean, it was bad enough when I had to keep my distance, but now, the desire to keep her close, to protect her, the constant worry, I've never known such pain.


Caroline: We should have a location on them any minute.
Klaus: So, what, we just wait here and sip rancid diner coffee?
Caroline: Or you can think about what you'll say when you see Hope.

Klaus: Hope didn't make it any easier.
Caroline: She's not eight years old anymore.

Eternity is long and I have an excellent memory.


I gifted them shame. I'm the match that lit the fuse.


The Originals Quotes

Klaus: Leaving me to do what, exactly?
Hayley: Stay here and protect our daughter.

You're gonna like me, Davina Claire. And I'm gonna let you pretend a while that you don't already.


The Originals Music

  Song Artist
Song Too Late M83 iTunes
Freaks The Hawk In Paris iTunes
Bones MS MR iTunes