[In confessional] I was definitely a little bit suspicious. Opening the envelope is something that The Mole would want because $2,500 less than $5,000 is still a success in the eyes of The Mole.


William: With all due respect, if you’re gonna go Avori, then you’re most likely gonna look Pranav. But do you want to put them together? They obviously have a very close relationship. Would you rather separate them? I’d rather separate that.
[Everyone looks at the pair]
William: [In confessional] The thought of them working together is terrifying because they’re so determined to help each other. And, you know, do whatever they decide is best for themselves than help the team.

Pranav: I thought you were gonna answer the question?
Sandy: I’m gonna go with “no.” Just because he had his hitlist and now coming back, he has an upper hand.

Avori: What is the gameplay you're playing right now? Because obviously, it’s not the same one we’re playing.
Joi: No, I’m here to win money as bad as you all are.
Avori: That’s not true!

The Mole Season 6 Quotes

[In confessional] I was definitely a little bit suspicious. Opening the envelope is something that The Mole would want because $2,500 less than $5,000 is still a success in the eyes of The Mole.


[In confessional] I’m starting to get real suspicious because I’m like, “Yo, you a pilot! Why are we lost?” We’re in the middle of the jungle and Joi is supposed to be our Dora the Explorer. And we ain’t exploring nothing! Either she’s lying or she’s really The Mole.
