Jake: And by the way, it is infested with spiders!
Jenkins: Ah, well, spiders are our garden friends, Mr. Stone.
Jake: Jenkins... they're three feet long.
Jenkins: ...Ah. I see. I'll order some bug spray.

The truth is, I don't need your approval anymore. Bye, Pop.


Let's just say that the French Revolution had less to do with economic disparity and more to do with inviting a face dancer to a party at the Marquis de Sade's house. Some images one cannot un-see.


Colonel Baird, 'monster' is such a label!


Mr. Jones alone in Oklahoma is a version of the Rodgers and Hammerstein classic no one should *ever* see.


Am I the only one that reads the security manuals?!


Shakespeare had a friend who was a wizard?! Kinda buried the lede there.


Welcome to Team Fiction...


Seriously?! That's the third time this place has been broken into since I started working here!


Eve: Coincidence, or sinister alignment?
Flynn: Let's find out!

Flynn: Eve, trust me. They'll never know we were here. [Scene cuts to Flynn and Eve running from angry villagers.] Aaah! They know we're here!
Eve: They probably noticed when you made the volcano erupt!
Flynn: It was a very small volcano.

The Librarians Season 2 Quotes

Eve: Coincidence, or sinister alignment?
Flynn: Let's find out!

Flynn: Eve, trust me. They'll never know we were here. [Scene cuts to Flynn and Eve running from angry villagers.] Aaah! They know we're here!
Eve: They probably noticed when you made the volcano erupt!
Flynn: It was a very small volcano.