Matthew: Here's my card.
Archie: Is it going to self-destruct in 10 seconds?

Archie: Do you always bring a Thermos when you break into someone's house?
Shiv: Well, you never know when people are going to run out of tea bags.
Archie: How thoughtful.

Shiv: You know what the interesting thing about disaster is? If you break it down, it's really just an escalating series of mundane interactions leading to a catastrophic climax.
Archie: I've been on dates like that.

Wes: You don't know a lot.
Archie: No, ma'am.
Wes: Let's work on that, shall we?

Is there another IT guy? We have a time machine. I assume we have more than one person who can unlock a computer.

Archie [to Dane]

Cop: What are you doing in Romania?
George: Business.
Cop: What business?
George: My business.

Shiv: It can get messy.
Archie: I can do messy.
Shiv: I've no doubt.

Rebrov: Have you ever considered we might not be the good guys?
Shiv: I've thought about it.

Dinesh: They're gone, Shiv. They're gone.
Shiv: What happened?
Dinesh: The bloody fascists burned the place down. They never stood a chance.

Dinesh: What are you doin' here?
Shiv: You know, the guy with the petrol can doesn't get to ask the questions.

You did a good thing, Shiv.

Wes [to Shiv]

Shiv: Where's Big Boy? Where's the bomb?
Rebrov: I don't know, Shiv. You picked me up before they delivered it. They're not Royal Mail. You can't track the delivery from the depot.