Lt. Carlton Burk: Why are we wasting out time trying to cut it out of him? We should just throw him overboard.
XO Mike Slattery: That certainly would be the most expedient thing to do.

I'd say go easy on him. But I wouldn't really mean it.

CDR Tom Chandler

Lt. Ravit Bavis: Uh-oh.
Tex: I hope that's Hebrew for "A-Okay."

Lt. Kara Foster: I saw your new team members.
Lt. Danny Green: [looks at Lt. Ravit Bavis] Come on. Jealousy is a useless emotion.
Lt. Kara Foster: I agree. I'm just saying, all the girls are talking about the man from down under.

Ding-dong! Hey, US Navy, it's bad luck for you happening on this ship, but this is the end of the line for you. Because we know how to fight better than you do. And if it's a fight you want, it's a fight you're gonna get.

British hostile

I like you guys, you're crazy.

Lt. Ravit Bavis

We're a regular coalition of the living.


XO Mike Slatter: You didn't think about staying with them?
CDR Thomas Chandler: That's all I thought about.
XO Mike Slattery: You mean I could have had my first command?

You think you're the first soldier that had trouble leaving their family behind? Huh? During World War II, English naval captains put their wives and children in bunkers in London and went back out to sea to fight the Nazis for years.

Jed Chandler

And let me tell you something else. We are more than just survivors! We are more than our grief, we are more than our loss, and we are more than our pain! We were spared for a reason, we were spared because we were put on this earth to do something more! We were spared because were special...because we are the rightful inheritors of the Earth! This is our destiny...because we are the chosen!


The main thing is that they're with you now. That's what makes them feel safe.

Kelly Tophet

Quincy Tophet: Okay, please. I hid it. I know where it is.
Trooper: I'll kill her, you know I will.
Quincy Tophet: Okay. Okay. Okay. Forgive me. I'm so sorry.
Trooper: Where is it?
Quincy Tophet: You'll never find it. [removes bandages]

The Last Ship Season 2 Quotes

Quincy Tophet: Okay, please. I hid it. I know where it is.
Trooper: I'll kill her, you know I will.
Quincy Tophet: Okay. Okay. Okay. Forgive me. I'm so sorry.
Trooper: Where is it?
Quincy Tophet: You'll never find it. [removes bandages]

I don't know you. At this point, I don't trust anyone I meet in this town. But I know Granderson fears and hates you, so I'm operating on the premise that my enemy's enemy can be my friend. If that's the case, we can help each other.

Cpt Chandler