Walter: Look. I oversee that facility, but I'm just a middle rung on a very tall ladder here. This is private company with safety regulations. Nobody walks right in without approval for a site visit.
Colonel: Mr. Humboldt, does anyone here on this ladder know the first thing about Ebola?
Walter: It is a virus found in monkeys in Africa. People shouldn't eat monkey meat.

Jaax: Ebola Zaire.
Jahrling: How many monkeys are affected?
Jaax: Six that we know of.
Jahrling: And they're all dead?
Jaax: Shakes her head yes.

Jason: Have you ever seen AIDS?
Jaime: Mom doesn't see human patients. Besides, Tammy's mom says all the AIDS are in New York --
Dr. Jaax: -- Um, Tami's mom believes that Falcon Crest is a real place. Let's just stick to science. Facts only.

Dr. Jaax: SHF doesn't kill cells like this.
Ben: That's what I'm saying.
Dr. Jaax: There's only a few things in the world that could do this.
Jahrling: User error?

Jaax: Every known filovirus on earth is in the freezer. Do you know how many people would die on this planet if the leftovers of this freezer ever got released?
Ormond: All of us?
Jaax: Shakes her head yes. And there's not a cure on the horizon.

Going into Level 4 is like being born. You're stripped down to your bare essence and you emerge into a strange and hostile environment.


Ben: Don't you want to wait until Nancy finishes up her tests?
Jahrling: You're talking a million to one odds. Look, man, I wouldn't put too much stock in Nancy's paranoia. Look, she's smart as a whip, but her mentor, he's like a pathogen chasing whack job. This guy went off the deep end. Always looking for the big one. I mean, it's not her fault.

Ormond: Nothing like jumping in the deep end.
Jaax: I thought they taught you to swim while you were in training? Did I grab the wrong guy?
Ormond: No. I'm ready.
Jaax: You aren't a little scared?
Ormond: Of course not.
Jaax: That's bad. If you're not scared, you shouldn't be in Level 4. Fear keeps you sharp.

The Hot Zone Quotes

Dr. Jaax: SHF doesn't kill cells like this.
Ben: That's what I'm saying.
Dr. Jaax: There's only a few things in the world that could do this.
Jahrling: User error?

Jason: Have you ever seen AIDS?
Jaime: Mom doesn't see human patients. Besides, Tammy's mom says all the AIDS are in New York --
Dr. Jaax: -- Um, Tami's mom believes that Falcon Crest is a real place. Let's just stick to science. Facts only.