We still want her check, though. We just need to insult her first.

Marian Brook

It seems to me the ship is sinking. We must follow the example of the rats.

Agnes Van Rhijn

Mrs. Anne Morris: This sort of stunt does not impress the people you want to win over.
Mrs. Bertha Russell: Mrs. Morris, this sort of stunt impresses everyone.

Agnes Van Rhijn: I am not concerned with facts. Not if they interfere with my beliefs.
Oscar Van Rhijn: I give you prejudice in a nutshell.

Mr. George Russell: Whatever her faults, she has imagination and taste -- and nerve.
Mr. Stanford White: She will need all three in New York.

I may be a bastard, Mr. Thorburn, but you are a fool -- and of the two, I think I know which I prefer.

Mr. George Russell

Revolutions are launched by clever people with strong views and excess energy.

Agnes Van Rhijn

I know he feels what he thinks is love, but I disagree with his definition.

Peggy Scott

I don’t want to come a long way. I want to go all the way.

Mrs. Bertha Russell

Oscar Van Rhijn: Mama, you are incorrigible.
Agnes Van Rhijn: I take that as the highest praise.

People want to know you when you’re a success. It’s when you fail they turn their backs.


The Gilded Age Season 1 Quotes

I may be a bastard, Mr. Thorburn, but you are a fool -- and of the two, I think I know which I prefer.

Mr. George Russell

I know he feels what he thinks is love, but I disagree with his definition.

Peggy Scott