Barry: I was born with one father, but that tragedy gave me two and I don't think I can lose you.
Joe: You'll never lose me. You hear me? Never.

Don't be afraid, Cisco, a great and vulnerable destiny awaits you now. I only hope that as you're living a great adventure, that you remember who gave you that life and that it was given out of love.


Ronnie, I love you but this is a time machine not a book case from Ikea.


Barry: I can save mom.
Henry: At what cost? You said time won't change. What if it changes you?
Barry: I don't care.
Henry: I do. I am in awe of the remarkable that you are becoming. All the things you achieved and not just as the Flash, but you, Barry. Your honesty, your heart. You're always a hero, and your mom would be just as proud. And if she had a say in this, if she thought for one second that you going back to save her would mean losing what makes you so special, she would never want that! [Barry sobs] Barry, what I hope for you, maybe the greatest thing that a father can hope for his son is that one day you will become a son yourself and then you will know how much I truly love you.

This is why you became the Flash, Barry. To put things right. You saved a lot of peoples' lives this past year, Barry. Now it's time to save yours.


Barry: I want to kill you right now!
Harrison: I used to know that rage. I used to feel that rage every time I looked upon you and now I know what Joe and Henry feel when they look on you with pride. With love.

Barry: Why did you kill my mother?
Eobard: Because I hate you. Not you now, you years from now.

I mean, whatever Mardon and Nimbus and Shawna did, they're human beings and you knew letting Wells use them as pawns was wrong. You know the difference between right and wrong and you weren't willing to blur the lines between the two. That's what kind of many you are and that's what makes you different than the Arrow. So, please no more walks on the dark side.


Barry: Thanks for not saying I told you so.
Joe: But I did say I told you so. Repeatedly.

Lisa: How come you haven't given me a code name. I heard you came up with Captain Cold. What do you think I should be called?
Cisco: Female Inmate.
Lisa: Aw, come on. You made my gun, the least you can do is give me a badass alias. Please?
Cisco: Fine. Golden Glider.
Lisa: Smart is sexy, Cisco.

Really not enjoying being one of the good guys this week. Really not!


Lisa: Hey Cisco.
Cisco: Oh hey Captain Cold's evil sister.

The Flash Season 1 Quotes

Barry: Thanks for not saying I told you so.
Joe: But I did say I told you so. Repeatedly.

Caitlin: Are you suggesting that Dr. Wells is in league with the thing in the yellow suit? We all say that thing nearly kill him that night.
Cisco: Yeah. Nearly.