Lester: How do you know Bennett?
Marcus: He excommunicated me.
Wife: Must have been onto something big. That's when they come for you.

Casey: You're doing this to me!
Salesman: I was making you perfect.
Casey: You tricked me!

She spoke Aramaic, Bennett. Are they teaching that in the public schools here?

Father Marcus

Father Marcus: Who gave this to you, Casey?
Casey: A salesman.
Father Marcus: See, that doesn't make a lot of sense to me. A compact, for a tomboy.
Man: You are a beautiful girl.
Casey: I was beautiful.
Father Marcus: Not beautiful like your sister, so he must have lied to you to make you feel special. Did it work? Did it it make you feel special, this compact?
Casey: He doesn't lie!
Father Marcus: The man who gave you this, is he in this room with us right now?

I think that if you believe in God, maybe we have to accept that he has an adversary.

Father Tomas

A Nicolas Cage fan? Aren't we all.

Marcus [looking at a DVD]

Casey: I think there's something really wrong with me.
Man: I'm afraid not my dear. Just a glorious seed, breaching the soil, the first glimpse of the sun.

Marcus: The power of Christ compels you.
Demon Woman: Do I look compelled, man of God?

It's just a memory of something beautiful. You never give up something beautiful.


I know what St. Aquinas is. It's a place where they send broken priests. Why were you there?


There are stages to a demonic possession, my friend. And right now, my guess? It's gone possum, gathering it's strength, waiting to show it's ratty little teeth, and when it does? I'll kill the bastard.


Marcus: We're out of eggs.
Tomas: How'd you get in here?
Marcus: Picked the lock.

The Exorcist Season 1 Quotes

Tomas. Do you know who writes letters? People who don't want to get caught.


Sometimes God gives you a job to do. And when that happens, you have to drop everything and just start walking.

Father Tomas