If you lied about the date, then what else are you lying about?


Double tap to the chest. That's her signature move.


Robyn: I'm done with you guys now.
Nash: This is your fault. You went rogue and we had to step in. You have an outstanding debit that we look forward to collecting.

Dorian: Who are you?
Robyn: I told you, I get people to where they need to be.

Dante: Nice bike.
Robyn: Maybe I'll give you a ride someday.

Robyn: It's up to you to carry on Malcolm's work and you are absolutely ready.
Crystal: I am.

Harry: Did you know an octopus has arms. Not tentacles?
Melody: OK.

Harrington: It doesn't matter what I said. You can't link me to anything. You've got nothing.
Dante: Don't be so sure.

Dante: This equalizing you're doing. Sooner or later, I'm going to have to come after you.
Robin: I'd be disappointed if you didn't.

Please tell me you did not just accuse a federal judge of messing up a case.


If I do this, I'm going to need to know where you're getting your information.


Robin: I'll bring the M&Ms: Merlot and myself.

The Equalizer Season 1 Quotes

Dmitri: Say hello.
Jewel: Let go of me.

Dmitri: Who the hell are you?
Robin: Neighborhood watch.