Get right with your maker, Folks. It’s clearly the end of days.


Becky: Congratulations! You may be surprised to hear this, but I’m a little bummed. We’ve been having fun working together.
Darlene: I’m still going to be on the floor, but now I can make your life miserable if you displease me.
Becky: Right, and as Union Steward, one misstep on your part, and I can shut down the factory.
Darlene: See, this is going to be fun for everybody.

Becky: You're great at pretty much everything, You're amazing. But, you know the male ego; you gotta tell them what they wanna hear, and they'll do whatever you want!
Ben: [Smiling] I know. Some guys, right?

Josh has a different girl for every cause, alright? So this is about class struggle, so you're the poor white girl that gives him street cred.


He isn't a psychopath, he's rich!


Interesting. Because if you start breaking into banks, I think the police will enjoy the opportunity to debate your political beliefs with repeated nightsticks to the head.


Josh: Oh you may want to fix your water pressure by the way. It's somewhere in between a trickle and a leak.
Jackie: So we're to take from that that, at your house, you have great water pressure? Good to know.

Darlene: Do you know anything about this Josh guy that Harris brought home?
Mark: I've seen him on her Instagram. She was spray-painting something on a buiconnerslding and he was holding her cans.
Darlene: I love you 'cuz you don't know what that means.

Ben: Love you, Mom.
Barb: Thank you. We don't say it enough.

Think of me as a sister! A sister ... that you ... had a baby with!


Sometimes the truth only makes things harder. You remember how devastated I was when I found out my mother was, you know, actually my real mother.


Darlene, while you're in there, try and talk him out of the beard -- it makes him look like a Bolshevik.


The Conners Season 3 Quotes

I remember visiting you guys at work and watching you robotically doing the same job over and over and thinking, “Wow, it must really suck to be an adult.” And it does.


Mark: Can you smell this?
Darlene: I don’t want to smell it. It’s bad enough I have to eat it.