Jacqueline: Andrew, I can’t help if I don’t know what’s going on.
Andrew: I had to take a second job. One of my roommates moved back home, and even though there are three of us living in the apartment, the rent difference has made things a lot harder, so I work nights after a full day here.
Jacqueline: Andrew, why didn’t you say something?
Andrew: I don’t want you to think that I’m not grateful because I am. It’s just that… look, assistants don’t get paid enough here.
Jacqueline: Really? I’m sorry. I didn’t know that.
Andrew: I know I always manage to look so amazing, but it’s really hard work because I really love my job.
Jacqueline: I know you do. I’m really glad you finally spoke up, and I’m gonna get you the raise you deserve.

I just wanted to say thank you for coming. I know my upcoming divorce affects all of you because you also know and love Richard. Yes, we can say his name. More importantly, I know some of you have been treating me with a little extra care lately, and I know that is out of love. You guys want to be there for me, and if I’m honest, I do need you to be there for me. this is absolutely the hardest thing I’ve ever been through. I need you to help me create new memories with my favorite food and my favorite music and my favorite people. So let’s have fun, you guys.


Jane: You feeling better?
Sutton: Today, yeah. Tomorrow I hope so. I wish that I could just flip a switch and move on with my life, but getting over Richard is going to be a process.

The Bold Type Season 5 Episode 3 Quotes

Sutton: Whoa, this is a huge closet.
Kat: Yeah, so we’re gonna clear it out and make it your bedroom.
Sutton: What? That’s very nice, but I think you should have walls and doors.
Kat: Come on Sutton. I spent most of my life in the closet. I’m good. I think you should take the doors and walls.

Sutton: I just think they deserve to know I’m happily moving forward.
Jane: Well, it’s OK if you’re not happy.
Kat: You’re allowed to feel whatever you need to feel: angry, sad, hurt.
Sutton: Yeah, I don’t want to feel any of those things.
Kat: Fair enough.