What kind of information would Samar know that would make her a liability to the Mossad?


Liz: Health kick?
Red: They say what does kill you makes you stronger.

Some day you will have regrets and I don't want to be the reason why.


Sex and treasure. People will betray you for both.


Red: How do you feel?
Vesco: I feel like I'd rather be home with my cat.

Robert, I appreciate that your love of literature is almost as keen as mine, but why on earth are we in the Library of Congress?


Harold: The last fifty years there have been two truly mythical fugitives: Robert Vesco and Raymond Reddington.

Red: Did I ever tell you about my mentor?
Liz: You mean somebody actually taught you how to drink this early?

The man we hate to love lives to see another day!


I never want to know how a magic trick works. Spoils everything.


Pick a card. Any card.


I always knew you dealt from the bottom of the deck, but to cheat death? Pretty impressive.
